This biography was written a few years ago and I not yet had the time to complete it but will sooner or later add further information and details..
How did one write a
This biography was written a few years ago and I not yet had the time to complete it but will sooner or later add further information and details.
How did one write a biography? I never even read one.
Did you only give the plain facts, or describe the things happen in your life, or perhaps how you feel about the past. What perspective should one use? Negative, positive or perhaps regretfully?
Should I rather use Afrikaans, or dare to give my third language a try to match the English website?
Well, I don’t know, but what I know, is that many people said I should write a book about all the things constantly happens in my live. That many things could help other people, can inspire and motivate people. I also know that, if one decide on a goal but are not sure how or where to start, you don’t think about it, you just get your ass in gear and start.
I was born in Johannesburg in 1966 as the youngest of four children. After a normal and happy childhood, I become 100% deaf at the age of ten when an operation went wrong.
After completed matric at Transoranje School for the Deaf in 1983 I started at ABSA Bank (ex-Volkskas) Krugersdorp as junior clerk, Hard working, eager to learn but during the next 5 years there is nothing dramatically to write about.
At this point things began to change. I am transferred to ABSA Sandton, got married, experience the wonder of my own children, started to learn my own worth and achieved relative much for the next 6 years.
In 1994 I leaved ABSA after my marriage collapsed and from then till now I couldn’t find any permanent employment. This period was remarkable with temporally positions, extraordinary circumstances and problem after problem.
I now own my own business for almost 10 years but even while I struggle, mainly because of my hearing impairness, the mere fact that 90% of businesses fail within the first 10 years and I am part of the remaining 10% says a lot.
That’s it. Sweet and short and if I maybe reach bigger success a bit later, people will hear that, they will hear that and my success and like all the other success stories, they will not hear the problems, the struggles, the hard work and determination.
That’s a big and common mistake and if they tried for a while without any success they gave up and think they are a failure, that success is only for those few “lucky” persons, for those with the right circumstances, contacts and such things.
Well, read on and learn what is motivation, what is determination and success because sometimes a winner is just a dreamer what never give up.
Jare gelede het 'n boer 'n plaas gehad wat deur geweldige stormwinde geteister was en het voortdurend gesukkel om betroubare werkers te kry..
Toe 'n skraal,
Die inligting op hierdie webblad is so bietjie deurmekaar want ek het na 10 jaar eers die afgelope week begin om hierdie Afrikaanse webwerf op te stel vir web berging. (Bied al
As jy so paar artikels wat ek geskryf het gelees het, is dit moontlik dat jy sal dink dis interesant, leersaam en of motiverend en moontlik positief teenoor my voel..
Wat is web berging? (Web Hosting).
Die internet bestaan uit 'n netwerk van rekenaars wat deur netwerke aan aanmekaar verbind is soos 'n spinnekopweb vandaar die
Sommige of al die materiaal op hierdie website mag beskerm wees onder kopiereg wetgewing..
Geen deel hiervan mag gekopieer, herproduseer or versprei word op enige manier
(Vir mense wat my versoek dat ek epos stuur of per inbox vra "Vertel my meer" het ek die volgende getik. Let ook asseblief daarop dat die aangehegte gesegde my
Op 'n draai in die pad kom 'n mens skielik op hom af. 'n Verrimpelde grysbaard wat langs die pad onder 'n koelteboom sit en groente verkoop. 'n Skrille kontras
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As ons na baie van die mense kyk wat hulle self opgewerk het en nou skatryk is, dan is ek seker dat meeste van hulle in 'n stadium van hulle lewe feitlik net gewerk en gewerk
Ondanks die ontsaglike hoeveelheid water wat elke dag gebruik word is die hoeveelheid water op aarde nog presies dieselfde na miljoene jare en is droogte maar net omdat water
Daar is heelwat faktore wat 'n invloed het maar 'n paar word hieronder verduidelik om jou 'n idee te gee oor hoekom ons 'n webwerf kan aanbied teen R19 pm terwyl
'n Gratis webwerf en epos beteken twyfel en verlore kliente..
- Gratis epos word gewoonlik altyd deur scammers en skelms gebruik en word dikwels heeltemal op baie
Snaaks genoeg kan ek selfs na jare se ondervinding en baie geld wat ek al verloor het, nie werklik ‘n “scam” as sodanig beskryf nie..
Ek sal wel na die